We left Houston around 8:00 and stopped in Chappell Hill for breakfast. By the way, it was also Round Top weekend so there was lots of traffic on Hwy. 290. There were also booths and antiques all up and down the highway. Maybe we should have gone to Round Top instead of the game – it would have been more gratifying and a lot more exciting (as far as the game went…can you tell I’m bitter?).
I believe Grandpa was doing a little tickling of someone’s tummy.
Walking to the stadium…Katie was anxious to sing “The Eyes of Texas!” She told us that repeatedly. Most of the time Katie walked, but it was blistering hot on this asphalt so Grandpa relented and carried her.
We always walk through the grounds around the LBJ library. The live oaks are just beautiful. This is a picture of where my sister and brother-in-law have their season tickets. I have a fear of heights so I’ll never join them at the top of the stadium.
Aunt Erin is getting some lovin’ from Little Miss Longhorn.
Racing down the hill – we’re trying to get to the Coop with time to spare before the game. After all, you can never have too much burnt orange.
Katie calls the UT Tower the “castle.” When we passed by it she said that she wanted to go up to the top of the “castle.” I don’t know what made her think of that, but when we passed by a second time she said that the next time she comes we’re going to the top. So…I guess Grandpa will be taking her because Grammy is afraid of heights (See above. Ha!)
She got upset when we passed by the stadium and didn’t go in. We had to explain to her that we would be back.
We were captivated by the balloons.
Naturally, Grammy purchased a new bow and cheerleader togs (and maybe a purse and a little Bevo). We stopped at the student center to change into our new duds and Katie looked at me and said “I want to sing the Eyes of Texas,” which meant she was ready to get to the game. After we were seated she immediately spied Bevo and would not have anything to do with anyone until she had got her fill of seeing him.
Is this not the best, Grammy? (Of course, the game hadn’t started yet! And oh, by the way, did I mention it was as hot as the dickens??)
Katie hasn’t figured out how to do the “Hook ‘em” sign yet. She’s still working on it.
If you can’t “Hook ‘em,” just hold onto someone who can…
After all that cheering, we needed some nourishment so we stopped at the Hyde Park Grill on the way home. They have the best french fries ever.
Nothing like a good french fry to take the edge off a disappointing game!
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