For Katie’s first Christmas, MeMaw bought her one of those stuffed animals that play music and move when you press a button in their paw…or in this case their wing because MeMaw bought her a stuffed chicken. Guess what music it plays when you press its wing? The Chicken Dance, of course. It also hops intermittently.
Katie has always (for some strange reason) loooved the chicken and has just recently learned how to press the wing to make it play. Aunt Erin also taught Katie how to flap her arms. Thanks Aunt Erin!
Today Amy brought both Katie and Hannah over to spend the afternoon. Here are some highlights:
The Chicken Dance…You go girl!!
Pictures from a quick Friday afternoon visit. I got Katie up from her nap and she was a little shocked to see her Grammy on a weekday afternoon.
Hannah is growing so fast. She was 4 weeks old yesterday.
Hannah dressed in hearts to come and see Grammy and Grandpa.
Hannah with her great-grandmother. I love MeMaw’s hand next to Hannah’s.
You can’t beat Chick Fil A for lunch.
Don’t forget about me…I’m ready for some lunch, too!
Naptime in Grammy’s bed…notice they have matching paci’s
What a big girl!
She’s getting ready to take our picture with her new “camera.” Say cheese!
Talk to you later…
Pat, your Hannah and Katie are just beautiful! I am so glad that you stopped by today and left your sweet message. Yes, not many 39 year marriages anymore.