My sister and I like to follow Caroline, who lives and teaches in Waxahachie. We have been so impressed with some of her posts about the area that we decided to take a little road trip. So, today we drove 3 hours to have lunch at a lovely restaurant/shop, the Dove’s Nest, on a recommendation from Caroline’s blog.
It is a block off the courthouse square.
We had to wait to be seated, so browsed in the store. Both of us really wanted to take home the knife and fork print. It is printed on burlap, but is actually magnetized and the magnets on the front are real knives and forks…too cute!
The candlesticks in this candelabra are actually rolled up sheet music.
I loved the burlap flower on top of the spool.
Loved this chair…
I had tuna and wild rice salad made with oranges and cranberries. It was quite tasty. Then we had blackberry bread pudding with vanilla ice cream for dessert.
Before we left, we had to stop by the ladies’ room and I just had to take a picture of these chickens that were gracing the walls of the restroom.
We did walk around the town square in the 100+ degree heat. Believe it or not, our grandmother’s name was Zula.
I also had to take a picture of this old hotel. When Judy and I were very young, our parents decided to take us to the Texas State Fair. We drove all the way to Dallas to discover that there were no available motel rooms because of the UT and OU football game. We had to turn around and start the drive back to Houston stopping at every hotel/motel to see if there was a place to stay. We finally ended up here on Main Street. Believe me, it was not this nice then. Mom was afraid to let our feet touch the floor and no one slept because of the 18 wheelers going by all night long.
We didn’t want to leave Waxahachie without seeing some of the historic homes and lo and behold I found our retirement cottage and it’s for sale! Don’t you just love the porches and that yard?
If something happens and that deal falls through, maybe we can go for this one.
Or even this one…
Since our husbands were unable to make the trip, we stopped at Woody’s and got them some beef jerky and fudge.
I just love road trips!
P.S. Here’s my little 4th of July firecrackers.